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So,  I’m still eating a famine refugee’s ration while asking for your contribution to UNICEF for the horn of Africa. Please click here to go straight to UNICEF and give what you can.

Today is independence day in Mexico. Emilio,  my 8.5 year old is spending the long weekend with us and 5 other kids in a warm resort town 60mi south of Mexico City. There’s 8 adults,  and loads of delicious food,  wine and drink. I’m having a tough time explaining the Fat Planner project to some of my friends who think I’m boring because I won’t drink or eat with them.

I’ll hold the fort. I only ask that you keep helping me to spread the word about the famine in Africa and please contribute what you can. Click here to go straight to UNICEF and give. Every grain of sand helps build a beach.
